Week of 1/20: There is NO CHANGE to any trash services for the week. Community Blessing box has been relocated to the Village Building, it is out front of the safe zone spaces.

12/2024: The Municipal Park entrance drive will be temporarily closed for a construction project. The park itself is open, just the drive to access the park is closed. Please use the entrance at the top of Washington St. to access. No vehicle access is available at this time. 

Service name

Service description.


Deadline to apply is xyz.


  • x
  • y
  • z

Who can apply

  • x
  • y
  • z

Steps to apply

  • x
  • y
  • z


For questions or support, contact:

  • Phone: 555-555-5555
  • Email: help@proudcity.co

Frequently asked questions

The Municipality of West Milton is proactive when it comes to citizen needs. Council passed legislation regarding vendors and door-to-door sales/advertising. The Village of West Milton does require a solicitor’s permit. This can be obtained by stopping into the Village office at 701 S. Miami St. You will need to bring completed background check and driver’s license/state issued id to the Village office. Once the application is completed and $30 fee paid, the solicitor’s permit card will be issued and is good for 90 days from date of issue.

Important Note:
Those applying for a solicitor/vendor/peddler license can download the application to be submitted to the Municipal Receptionist for approval. View the application for more details.

The Village has a dedicated cardboard dumpster in the recycling area located off of Hayes St. along with 3 other black dumpsters for recycling other materials. Please take broken down carboard boxes or large cardboard pieces and recycle in this location in the open top dumpster labeled for cardboard only. The Village does not do curbside recycling currently. If you have any questions please contact the Village Office (1.937.698.1500) for more information.

You can visit the Records Clerk who is first window inside the Village office building. This is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. while the Village office is open.
For questions concerning a report please call 937-698-1500 Ext. 100.

To file a police report you may come in to the Village Building and request an officer on duty.  Village building hours are 8am-5pm Monday through Friday. If it is afterhours you can contact the police department via the non-emergency dispatch line at 937-440-9911 and request a West Milton Police officer to make a report. If it is an emergency call 911.

View the current sealed bid opportunities for the Village in the Administration section under sealed bid opportunities. If no bids are present then the Village does not have any open bids at that time.

For more information call the Village office at 937-698-1500.

The best way is to contact the West Milton Police Department is to utilize the non-emergency dispatch number, 937-440-9911, and an officer who is on duty will be able to assist you.

You may call the station number 937-698-2677. The station is not always manned but in a non-emergency situation you can leave an officer a message and they will return your call as soon as they are able to.

The Police Division has recovered several lost or found items over time. Every effort is made to return these items to their rightful owners.  If you have any lost or stolen items, that you believe may have been recovered, please call (937) 698-2677 to set up an appointment to view recovered item(s) for identification.

Check our events calendar for local events coming up. Click here to see a list of upcoming events.

The Milton Union Recreation Association (MURA) is where youth can sign up for different community sports. See www.murasports.com for more information about what sports are currently open and available.

A zoning permit is required from the Village for sheds, decks, new/additional fences, swimming pools, and other home renovations. For more information or you have a question about an upcoming project that may need a permit please contact the Village Office 937-698-1500.

Complete your Zoning Permit form plus the accompanied project drawing and bring into the Village Office for approval from the Village Manager. A $20.00 fee and 1.5% developmental fee of the estimated construction cost will be due at approval of permit.

Sealed bidding is a method of contracting that employs competitive bids, public opening of bids, and awards. The Village of West Milton utilizes sealed bidding for multiple projects/services throughout the year.

A resident can stop by the Village office during normal business hours and complete the variance application or they can print from our website and bring completed form to the Village office. Variance Form – West Milton, OH (proudcity.com) The variance applications are due by the first Friday of each month to be put on the agenda for the following month.

For example: if the application is completed by the first Friday in December, the variance will be heard at the January meeting.

The Village of West Milton contracts with Central Collection Agency for collection of our income tax. CCA can be reached via their website. at http://ccatax.ci.cleveland.oh.us/.


Academies are held each fall. Space is limited and the academy runs 9 weeks. Sessions are generally held at the West Milton Municipal Building 701 S. Miami Street, West Milton, OH 45383. Additional information can be obtained and messages left by calling 937-698-2677 (ask for Chief Wright).

There is no cost for this program and all supplies will be furnished to the participants. Your attendance is your investment.

The academy is open to citizens of West Milton, 18 years of age and older. The academy requires a routine background check and a waiver of liability. The academy will be held one night each week for 2 ½ hours and lasts 9 weeks. West Milton business owners may attend the course as well. You must attend 7 of the 9 weeks to graduate from the course.

The Academy is set up to be primarily informational. No testing will take place. Topics covered will mirror those mandated for police recruits in the traditional academies across the state. The scope will be reduced to a proper fit for this informational; overview. There will be no law enforcement powers granted through this program.

Topics to be covered include:

Mission Statement
Recruitment/ Hiring
Field Training Process
Firearms Safety
Domestic Violence
Crime Scene Investigation
Evidence Collection
Fraud Investigation
OVI Enforcement
Crash Investigation
Communications Center Tour
Jail Tour

The Hometown Hero banner program is a way to recognize and honor members of the armed forces that are currently, or once were, residents of the Village of West Milton. These banners hang throughout the Village on Main St. from Memorial Day thru Veteran’s Day.

Any person that has been/is a resident of the Village of West Milton and served in any branch of the U.S. Armed Forces can be honored. The honoree can be active duty, Reserve, National Guard, honorably discharged, retired, or killed in action. The manufacturer now has a one picture per banner limit.

The West Milton Police Division is pleased to offer a prescription drug drop box, designed for year round disposal of outdated or unneeded pharmaceuticals.

Individuals wanting further information can also go to www.rxdrugdropbox.org to locate take-back boxes across the country. Unintentional drug overdoses are Ohio’s leading cause of accidental death. Now, you can safely dispose of your unused medications. The drop box is located in the lobby of the Municipal Building at 701 S. Miami Street, West Milton, Ohio 45383.

Old medicine can be brought to the Village office during normal business hours and placed in our safe medication disposal box. We ask that medicine be in a container and/or bag prior to placing it in the medication disposal box, no loose pills please. Syringes, inhalers, lotions, liquids and creams-ointments are not accepted.

If a resident has a busted water line they should first reach out to a plumber to see if they can repair the line. If the busted lines is either between the shutoff and the house, or even inside the property, it is the responsibility of the resident to complete repairs. If water needs to be shutoff for repairs to take place, or if the busted water line is past the shutoff toward the street, residents need to contact the non-emergency number at 937-440-9911 and dispatch will contact the appropriate parties to send out to get issue taken care of.

If a resident has a plugged sewer line they should first reach out to a plumber to make sure there is no blockage on their end with the lines on their property and within their home. If there is still an issue, or if the sewer line is plugged in the street, residents need to contact the non-emergency number at 937-440-9911 and dispatch will contact the appropriate parties to send out to get issue taken care of.

Yes residents may have chickens in the Village, however a permit is required. This permit is only good for one year and the chickens must be being used as a 4-H/FFA project. Also if any surrounding neighbors/residents object to the chickens then resident will need to remove the chickens.

A variance allows a property owner to construct a building/structure that goes against the requirements held within a zoning ordinance. Once the variance is approved by the planning board, then the owner can obtain a permit and begin the project.

If you have received a code violation, you also have received a letter and/or door tag instructing what needs to be done to bring the property back to compliance. There is also a time frame provided as to when the work needs to be completed by, as well as resident should contact the Village office with an update that they have brought their property up to compliance. If a resident has any questions or needs further information on how they need to handle the violation, they should contact the Village office at 937-698-1500 ext. 100 or 108

The sign in front of the Village office is way for the community to be made aware of upcoming community events as well as provide news and updates on what’s happening within the Village. The Village Manager will need to review and approve any post for the green sign prior to the post being made.

The 4th of July festivities, both the parade and festival, are ran by local volunteers and not by the Village. For more information please contact the committee at miltonjuly4parade@gmail.com.

Please stop by the Village office during normal business hours to request to have something added to the green sign out front of Village Office. All information will need to be approved by the Village Manager prior to be posted on the sign.

No a permit is not required by the Village in order for a resident to have a garage sale. However we do require that you contact the Village office to let us know the location and dates of the garage sale. We also ask that residents keep the number of garage sales to 3x a year or less. You may also complete the online registration form.  Garage sale registration – West Milton, OH (proudcity.com)

The West Milton Police Division offers free child safety seat inspections by NHTSA certified inspectors. Inspections are performed by appointment, generally between 3 p.m. and 11 pm, but other times may be available if necessary. Helpful information during the inspections include topics such as safety seat recalls, proper installation, appropriate seats for a child’s age, and other helpful information.

Contact Sergeant Jason Stevens at 937-698-2677, ext. 416.

You may contact the Village office at (937) 698-1500 and we can send our street department out to see if they are able to trap the animal and remove it from the property.

The Village 4th of July festival for 2024 will have the schedule below.

The carnival will be here starting on Tuesday July 2nd thru the 4th.  Hours for the festival are July 2nd and 3rd  5:00 to 10:00 pm, July 4th 11:00 am to 11:00 pm.

We will be having a kiddie tractor pull on July 4th.  The pull will be on Washington St. behind Wertz’s.   Registration from 5:00 to 6:00, pull at 6:00.  It’ s free event for anyone age 4 to 11, 12 and over is $10.00.  The pull is a state -sanctioned event to qualify the top three of each age group to participate in the state tractor pull in August.


The fireworks for July 4th, 2024 with take place at the West Milton Community Park on Thursday July 4th, 2024 at 10:00pm

The Fireman’s waffles take place every Friday from 6-9pm during the months of July thru September.

Please contact the Village office at (937) 698-1500 ext. 100 or 108 to provide us with the location and we will have our street department take care of the removal

Yes a permit is needed for special events such as parades and block parties. The permit can be obtained by stopping by the Village office at 701 S. Main St. or you may print it off from our website and bring the completed form to the Village office. SPECIAL EVENT Permit

A completed zoning permit application will need to be submitted to the Village office. With this application you will be required to include a drawing showing where the structure/fence is in relation to the home and property lines. There is a $20 zoning permit fee + additional cost depending on what the permit is for. Please feel free to contact the Village office at (937) 698-1500 ext. 100 if you have questions or for further information.

The Fire department can be reached via telephone at the unmanned (937) 698-9633 or you can email the Fire Chief at jay@westmiltonohio.gov. Please note that our fire department is a volunteer department so there is no guarantee that someone will be available. You may also contact the non-emergency number at (937) 440-9911 to speak with dispatch. In the event of an emergency contact 911.

Yes the Village Police Department will check on a residents’ property while they are away on vacation. Please stop by the Village office at 701 S. Miami St. to complete the vacation house check form, which will passed on to the police department. You may also print the form from our website and return to the Village office during normal business hours.  Vacation vacant house check form – West Milton, OH (proudcity.com)

The school taxes for West Milton are handled through the State of Ohio Department of Taxation. Please visit their website, School District Income Tax | Department of Taxation (ohio.gov) for more information.

The Milton-Union School district tax number is 5505.

The dates for 2022 mosquito fogging will be every other Monday starting May 16th and ending Sept. 19th. All fogging will take place after 10pm.

If a holiday falls on a Monday regular trash pickup will be unaffected. If a holiday falls on a Friday bulk trash pickup may be affected but regular trash pickup will not be affected. For any other holiday/closures the Village office will post on our Facebook page and the top banner of this website should a change need to be made to the routine schedule. For any other concerns about trash pickup changes please contact the Village office at 937.698.1500.

The community garage sale for 2023 will take place from May 18th – 20th,  2023.

Yes, the Village does have a public records policy. Click here for the public records policy details. If requesting public records please submit request in writing to the Village Office. This is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. while the Village office is open. For questions concerning a report please call the Administrative Assistant at 937-698-1500 Ext. 100.

Leaf pickup for 2022 will take place from Oct. 18th thru Dec. 2nd. We ask that you please rake your leaves into the green space between the sidewalk and the street, or as close to the curb that you can if you do not have a sidewalk in front of your residence. Please do not rake leaves into the street.

The Village of West Milton will have Trick or Treat on the last Thursday of October from 6:00-8:00pm

An individual, family, group, or business can purchase a banner.

Please contact the Village office at (937) 698-1500 ext. 108

The purchaser will need to have a completed banner application. A photo of the service person either an actual photo or digital format. Please note digital images need to be high resolution and at least 400DPI. And also payment for the banner, either in cash, check, or credit card form.

The person wanting to purchase the banner would need to get in contact with the Village office and obtain a banner application. Upon completion of the application they will need to provide a photo of the service person and submit payment in full in order for the banner to be ordered.

A key will need to be picked up at the Village office in order to have access to the restrooms at the park. There is a $20 refundable deposit that will need to be paid when the key is picked up, but once the key is returned the $20 will be returned. There is a port-a-potty at the park close to the playground.

You may sign up for utility service by stopping into the Village office located at 701 S. Miami St., West Milton, OH, and completing a contract for water, sewer, and trash service. You may also submit the form electronically by clicking…..

Please contact the Utilities Clerk at (937) 698-1500 ext. 108 to request a final reading of your water meter, and to provide a forwarding address so that you may receive your final utility bill. You may also stop by the Village office at 701 S. Miami St., West Milton, OH to provide this information as well.

Please contact the Utilities clerk at (937) 698-1500 ext. 108 to get the balance due on your account and/or to obtain another copy of your utility bill. You may also stop by the Village office located at 701 S. Miami Street, West Milton, OH.

Most of the time our crew will make a note on the tag as to what the issue is, at which point we ask that the resident precede with the request on the tag. If there are any questions in regarding the information provided on the tag, please contact the Village office at (937) 698-1500 ext. 100 or 108.

If your trash toter was missed on your regularly scheduled pickup day, please contact the Village office at (937) 698-1500 ext. 100 or 108 and we will do our best to get your toter emptied. You may also complete the “report missed trash pickup” form. If your toter was missed due to it being set out late in the morning/day, or because it was obstructed, we can’t guarantee that your toter will be emptied prior to your next scheduled pickup day.

Branches and limbs need to be cut down to lengths of 3-5 feet and bundled together for easier pickup.


Please do not just sit bundles out. Fill out the yard waste pickup request form or call (937) 698-1500 ext.108 or 100 to get on the list.


Reminder the Village is no longer accepting plastic trash bags for yard waste. All loose unbundled items will need to be bagged in the paper lawn/leaf bags. This bags are available to residents free of charge at Village Hall.

Yard waste pickups need to be requested and are scheduled in for Mondays. Please do not just sit bags or bundles out. Fill out the yard waste pickup request form or call (937) 698-1500 ext.108 or 100 to get on the list. Reminder the Village is no longer accepting plastic trash bags for yard waste. All loose unbundled items will need to be bagged in the paper lawn/leaf bags. This bags are available to residents free of charge at Village Hall.

The Village has provided for residents, (3) large recycling dumpsters located at our street department barn. The address for the street barn is 125 W. Jefferson St., West Milton, OH.

If you have more trash then what will fit in the toter, please do not set it outside the toter as it will not be picked up. If you are able to set it aside until the following week and add it to your toter, you may. You may also contact the Village office and request an additional toter for $2.50/month that will insure that you can fit all your refuse in your tote(s) weekly for pickup.

Please contact the Village office at (937) 698-1500 ext. 108 to obtain another trash tote.

Most of the items that we don’t accept for bulk pickup can be disposed of at the Miami County Transfer Station and Recycling Center located at 2200 N. County Road 25-A, Troy, OH. Any questions regarding what they accept, please call (937) 440-5653.

Bulk trash is items not suitable for your normal refuse pickup service, or items that are too large to fit into your regular service container. Common items include: mattress/boxspring, bed frames, cabinets, sofa, and appliances.

Items that cannot be collected are: auto batteries, fluorescent light bulbs, paint and paint cans that are not empty and dry. We also will not take used motor oils, concrete, large rocks/stones, construction materials, and tires. Please also note that bulk pickup is not intended for multi-room or entire home cleanouts. 

Bulk pickups need to be requested and are scheduled in for Fridays. Fill out the bulk pickup request form or call (937) 698-1500 ext 100 or 108.

View the West Milton trash pickup map to determine your pickup day. If you are still uncertain of your pickup day, you can call (937) 698-1500 ext 108.

The Miami County Transfer Station manages all solid waste from residents and businesses throughout the county. Residents may bring up to fifteen gallons of paint for disposal at the Transfer Station; pricing is set at the current tipping fee. Dry latex paint can be placed in your regular curbside trash. Paint can be dried by leaving the lid off of the container, or by mixing it with kitty litter or sawdust. They do not accept liquids of any kind. For further information visit the Miami County Sanitary Engineering website Sanitary Engineering | Miami County, OH – Official Website (miamicountyohio.gov)


To obtain a building permit one must go through Miami County’s Building department and the Village of West Milton.

***Some building projects may only require a Village permit but some may require both the County and Village.***

For more information please see the Miami County Building Department and/or the Village Code and Permit FAQ area.

To reserve a park shelter, individuals need to stop by the Village office at 701 S. Miami Street, West Milton, OH. Shelters can be rented during the months of April thru October, with reservation requests starting March 1st. Payment is due at time of reservation in order to guarantee the shelter rental.

Please view the West Milton Police Department personnel complaint policy here.

The West Milton Police Division is a Level Three Certified Law Enforcement Agency.

Ohio Collaborative Community Police Advisory Board: The Ohio Collaborative, a 12-person panel of law enforcement experts and community leaders from throughout the state, established state standards – for the first time in Ohio’s history – on August 28, 2015, for use of force including use of deadly force and agency employee recruitment and hiring that can help guide law enforcement agencies in Ohio. These new standards will hold everyone accountable and instill a greater confidence with the public. The Collaborative works closely with partners, including the community and law enforcement agencies, to implement the new standards. All law enforcement agencies are expected to meet or exceed these new standards as they develop policies and procedures to meet these new expectations. The Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services (OCJS), a division of the Ohio Department of Public Safety, communicated those new standards to Ohio’s nearly 960 law enforcement agencies. The Ohio Collaborative also provided model policies as a resource for agencies, and OCJS serves as a contact and is available to assist agencies with implementation. As required by the Executive Order, OCJS publishes an annual report listing which state and local law enforcement agencies have adopted and fully implemented the new minimum standards. Currently, nearly 500 agencies employing over 26,000 officers (representing 74% of all law enforcement officers in Ohio and most of Ohio’s metropolitan departments) are participating in the certification process.

Residents should call 811 prior to digging in their yard and request the location of underground facilities near your proposed digging site.

Milton-Union Exempted Village school is the school district for West Milton and surrounding areas such as Laura, Potsdam, and Ludlow Falls. To enroll please call the schools central office at 937-884-7910. You can also visit the registration portal on the Milton-Union schools website to sign up your incoming student. For more information about the school see the Milton-Union website.

The most common recycled items are paper, glass bottles & jars, plastic bottles/jugs/tubs, metal cans, and cartons. We ask residents to please break down any boxes or large pieces of cardboard before placing them in the dumpsters. Also please DO NOT put plastic bags, styrofoam, or plastic bags full of items, into the recycling dumpsters.

The Village of West Milton contracts with Central Collection Agency (CCA) for collection of our income tax. For more information please contact CCA.

The income tax rate for West Milton is 1.5% and is levied on salaries, wages, commissions, other compensation, business net profits., etc.

The Village of West Milton contracts with Central Collection Agency (CCA) for collection of our income tax. They are paid directly through CCA. The Village has no information on residents accounts and cannot access those. Please contact CCA for more information regarding Village income tax.

We have many options to pay your water bill:

  • Come into the Village office during open hours and you can pay cash, check, or credit card (subject to 3% fee.)
  • Cash or Check may be dropped off at either of the drop box locations. One located by the front door and a drive-thru box at the rear of the building closer to the Police Department. These are available 24 hours a day and checked multiple times during the office working hours.
  • Online payment can be made through our service provider InvoiceCloud.
  • A payment can be made via phone by calling 866-382-1727. (You will need your account number including the asterisks)

For any other bill payment questions please contact our office at 937-698-1500 ext. 108.


Please report any food safety concerns to the Miami County Public Health Department. They are located at 510 W. Water Street, Troy, OH 45373 and can be reached via telephone at (937) 573-3500. For further information visit the Miami County Public Health Dept. Food Safety • Miami County Public Health (miamicountyhealth.net)

To apply for a city job, please stop by the Village office at 701 S. Miami Street, West Milton, OH to pick up an application. Completed application and other required paperwork can be returned to the Village office where it will be delivered to the appropriate department. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact us at (937) 698-1500.

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