12/2024:The Municipal Park entrance drive will be temporarily closed for a construction project. The park itself is open, just the drive to access the park is closed. Please use the entrance at the top of Washington St. to access. No vehicle access is available at this time.
Yes, the Village does have a public records policy. Click here for the public records policy details. If requesting public records please submit request in writing to the Village Office. This is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. while the Village office is open. For questions concerning a report please call … Continued
View the current sealed bid opportunities for the Village in the Administration section under sealed bid opportunities. If no bids are present then the Village does not have any open bids at that time. For more information call the Village office at 937-698-1500.
A resident can stop by the Village office during normal business hours and complete the variance application or they can print from our website and bring completed form to the Village office. Variance Form – West Milton, OH (proudcity.com) The variance applications are due by the first Friday of each month to be put on … Continued
A variance allows a property owner to construct a building/structure that goes against the requirements held within a zoning ordinance. Once the variance is approved by the planning board, then the owner can obtain a permit and begin the project.
The sign in front of the Village office is way for the community to be made aware of upcoming community events as well as provide news and updates on what’s happening within the Village. The Village Manager will need to review and approve any post for the green sign prior to the post being made.
Please stop by the Village office during normal business hours to request to have something added to the green sign out front of Village Office. All information will need to be approved by the Village Manager prior to be posted on the sign.
Yes the Village Police Department will check on a residents’ property while they are away on vacation. Please stop by the Village office at 701 S. Miami St. to complete the vacation house check form, which will passed on to the police department. You may also print the form from our website and return to … Continued
No a permit is not required by the Village in order for a resident to have a garage sale. However we do require that you contact the Village office to let us know the location and dates of the garage sale. We also ask that residents keep the number of garage sales to 3x a … Continued
The Municipality of West Milton is proactive when it comes to citizen needs. Council passed legislation regarding vendors and door-to-door sales/advertising. The Village of West Milton does require a solicitor’s permit. This can be obtained by stopping into the Village office at 701 S. Miami St. You will need to bring completed background check and … Continued
Yes a permit is needed for special events such as parades and block parties. The permit can be obtained by stopping by the Village office at 701 S. Main St. or you may print it off from our website and bring the completed form to the Village office. SPECIAL EVENT Permit