12/2024: The Municipal Park entrance drive will be temporarily closed for a construction project. The park itself is open, just the drive to access the park is closed. Please use the entrance at the top of Washington St. to access. No vehicle access is available at this time. 

How do I dispose of paints and chemicals?

The Miami County Transfer Station manages all solid waste from residents and businesses throughout the county. Residents may bring up to fifteen gallons of paint for disposal at the Transfer Station; pricing is set at the current tipping fee. Dry latex paint can be placed in your regular curbside trash. Paint can be dried by leaving the lid off of the container, or by mixing it with kitty litter or sawdust. They do not accept liquids of any kind. For further information visit the Miami County Sanitary Engineering website Sanitary Engineering | Miami County, OH – Official Website (miamicountyohio.gov)


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